I'm trying to burn multiple episodes of a tv show to one dvd. I have them named correctly (CD1, CD2, etc) and they're the same resolution. However, when I try to run the program on them I get get an error message which reads "Can't join files, video compressions formats differ xvid <-> XVID. When I look at the files' properties, they all say XVID as the compression type. Please assist! Thanks
The error message is meaningless. A similar error message is given if you try to load the files with VirtualDub ("Video files have different sampling rates"), and is isually caused by the use of MP3 VBR instead of MP3 CBR format in the audio the AVI you join. Try to load any AVI with VirtualDub, make File___File properties and post here the results. More, tell me also if VDub gives you any warning, by opening the AVIs.