I keep getting "FLOATING POINT DIVISION BY ZERO" error messages when I try to load an avi file onto Avi2DVD. Then the program basically freezes whereby I keep getting an error beep when I try to click anything on the program; I then have to quit the program. What does this mean? What can be done? Thanks.
did you try to reinstall your program..... or is it a corrupt AVI file? if you downloaded an AVI file then you must consider corruption of the file as the culprit. Try other AVI file with your program and see if it does the same thing. If so then uninstall, do a registry clean up and then reboot and then re install program! or you can get a better program to do your AVI conversions. I love ConvertXToDVD! try that one with your AVI file if the program you are using doesn't work and you know your AVI file isn't corrupt.
Is there a guide for ConvertXtoDVD? The only reason I'm using Avi2DVD is because there's a user guide for it. P.S. Thanks. I'll also try to do as you've suggested with the reinstalation.