when i used avi2dvd to convert my avi it cut off the last five minutes. any ideas why this would happen?
yea i do. i tried using tmpgenc but the file is too big and i cant figure out how to shrink it so that it will fit. also the file is 694mb.
I don't understand what you're trying to mean when you say "the file is too big and I cant figure out how to shrink it so that it will fit"??? The file is too big for what??? I've opened files of many Gigabytes with TMPGEnc. Shrink to fit into what? An empty media disc? Could it be that the original file is corrupt??? Perhaps? Suggestion: have you tried VSO DivxtoDVD?
sorry for being unclear. i am not sure what the problem was but i used vso's divxtodvd and it worked great. thanks for the help guys