Hi, I am trying to convert a XVID avi file using AVI2DVD, and when i try to load the avi file, it thinks for a little bit, then displays an error message "Floating point division by zero." Any ideas on how to fix this? thanks.
I had the same problem and found the answer in one of this forum's threads: you are probably missing the corresponding video codec. In my case, the PC just did not have any Xvid codec installed, which was the required codec. The problem disappeared right away after I downloaded and ran xvid_install.exe. 1) Of course, avi2dvd should figure this out herself and display a nice, understandable, error message instead of the garbage you probably noticed in the "Film information" box. 2) If this never gets fixed, this should at least make it to the FAQ or AVI2DVD user guide and be very clearly stated. 3) The other common avi2dvd problem I also came across: input file names having non-alphanumeric characters (punctuation etc.) causing avi2dvd lock-up. The above 2 remarks apply to this pb also.