azures magnet

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by tml2, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. tml2

    tml2 Member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Hi all, has anyone heard about this azures magnet link stuff, when looking for torrents, i downloaded the prog, but unsure what it does, can anyone help me out ? many thanx
  2. RavenLife

    RavenLife Regular member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    first off you don't need to download anything to ba able to use magnets with azureus.

    so i dont know what it is you have downloaded.

    magnets basically work like p2p networks like shareaza or kazaa
    sharing files between users rather than from a tracker.

    to do this you will need the magnet address
    usually something like

    magnet:urn/5567687567dsdfsdfsd or something daft

    once you get the magnet address you go onto azureus > file > Open > url

    if you copied the URL to clipboard (right click copy) it should be there automaticly
    if not just paste it.

    it will then try to establish the connection and begin to download

    if you are getting something from a tracker some trackers will let you copy the magnet
    right click on your file > copy magnet to url
    although some private torrents wont.
    (this will allow you to share files with friends or family)

    please note
    * alot of private trackers do not like people who use DHT to get there torrents* they value there members. and there members value there ratio. by you using the DHT there ratio's will not be affected - therefor they don't like you.
    they may boot you from the torrent.

    also note
    *it is illegal to download copyrighted material - if you want it buy it*
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2005

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