Hi, I was wondering if there is anyway to remove this toolbar from Azureus. I don't really need it and don't use it. I tried looking through the program for a way to do it but couldn't find one. I've tried both Bitcomet and UTorrent and both have a feature to remove the toolbars and I'm guessing Azureus doesn't beacause it's Java. THANKS!!!
Ohh, ok thanks for the reply they should really look into putting toolbar modifiying into the next version release.
As far as I know you can't remove that. Just download uTorrent - FAR less use of resources and it has all the features of Azureus. http://download.utorrent.com/1.6/utorrent.exe
But, I love my Azureus. LOL. It gives me the fastest speeds if you check I said i've sued UTorrent but I really did not like the speeds. Well guys, thanks for the help.