I was wondering if I did something wrong, for the first (15 or 20) min, there is no sub-titles ,and then when Brad pitt talks,he talks in english, When I opend ClondDVD2 it had a check mark next to some different languish, I unchecked it and checked The English, was I wrong in doing so,because I can't understand them . Thanks For Your Help Andy
I used dvd shrink and screwed up my 1st copy. I have dvdShrink set up to automatically untick all subpictures. Therefore,my 1st copy had no subtitles for 2/3rds of that flick and I was also lost.It keeps going from morocco,usa,mexico,and Japan throughout the entire move-very screwy because majority of movie is not english. I redid it,entire disc so I know it should work,ticked only AC3 5.1 ch English only and English Subpictures. A perfect backup copy and full menu function to select the English subtitles. A much better movie after the 2nd time I watched it. I'm not exactly sure in clonedvd,but make sure you tick english for audio and tick the subpicture-which the subpicture is only 2-3 mbs in size. You shouldn't need to other foreign languages or foreign subpictures-unless you need it.