I want to formatt my hard drive, it has 3 paritions right now...One with "WIndows me" One with "XP"(operating system) and one with important data i cant lose.. now i was wondering if when i go to reinstall windows xp if i could format jus the "windows ME" and "WIndows XP" drive and keep the other drive there as it is...cuz i cant mess it up its got important stuff on it... also i wanan attach the Windows XP and Windows Me hardrive together(after i format them both) so instead of 3 partitions i jus want two..one with the windows XP operating system and one with the the old data...
delete the me & xp partitions & make a new partition so will have a total of 2 partitions, xp & data.
will it screw up the other partition cuz i wana have the xp operating system using whatever hard drive space that is left