I have only just got round to viewing one of the first copies I made using DVD Shrink and Nero Re-Code. Basically it starts with the subtitles on, and the Directors commentary. Its no great shakes as I can swap it over when the film starts. However, is there a way of using this backed up copy to copy another disc with the proper audio on at the start etc with no subtitles using the above programme or any other? Also does anyone know where someone may have produced a chart of all the various abbreviationts etc and what they mean ; ie English 5.1ch English DTS English 3ch I think it would be good for future reference on what to keep and what not to. Cheers
Yep, just use DVD Shrink in re-author mode and drag the main movie over to the new disc. Now you can select/ de-select audio, subs etc that you want to keep. If you get stuck, use my DVD Shrink Re-Author guides at my site. (Link below)
if you have shrink, why are you using nero recode? Shrink and nero recode are almost the same thing (at least in the newest version coming out) except that nero doesnt rip. To get rid of the subtitles, reshrink the disc and unclick subtitles. Usually the directors commentary is labeled. I only save the first audio stream. The one to save is the ac-3 english.