Hiya all, Im usin DvdShrink3.2 + DvdDecrypter. I already had ripped the files to the HD w/ DvdDecrypter & if that fails i normally use DVDFab Decrypter. When you go to Open Files & click OK you get this dialog box appearin sayin DVD Shrink encountered an error & cannot continue. Invalid data in file "C:\...SM4OEW1\VTS_01_1.VOB" Overlapped I\O operation is in progress But i tried to Reauthor it as a movie & no extras, but no file sizes that big showed up in DvdShrink? I've been usin both for a good while, til you come across S*ny dvd's as it happened one time with Seinfeld-S1-Disc4. Any help would be appreciated. And thanks to binky7 in a prev.post, and any other time as well! Regards Norm9
@ LOCOENG: I done that but this came up then -> Invalid data in file "C:\...SM4OEW1\VTS_01_1.VOB" Overlapped I\O operation is in progress ?? @ rbrock: I had no problem with AnyDVD as i havent used it, And i've only used Decrypter for rippin but never for burnin (yet!) but i have heard its a long process & IFO Editor does not work with XP!
Oh yes it dose I use shrink to reauthor the main movie only then hit backup, next screen, Select ISO Iamage file and burn with DVD Decrypter ( disable Nero check your speed if you use 16x burn at 8x or 4x I only use Verbatim 16x dvdr- this is while Anydvd is up to date and is running befor you put your dvd disc in your pc
and its as fast as anything out there. The speed is from what size you CPU and your memeroy, on your PC old PC's take twice as long to burn (what do you have under your hood)
You need to do one of two things: 1. Try to clean your rip with VobBlanker or FixVTS. OR 2. Rerip using DVDFab Decrypter, then see if you can continue with DVD Shrink...if not you may need to try step one.
Hi, i've tried out VobBlanker, but i think i've ended up with a coaster instead!? I'll explain-> I hit the Browse button for the Input Video Manager (VIDEO_TS_IFO) looked for the files for ScaryMovie4, chose VIDEO_TS which was only 22KB, I hit the Browse button for the Output Folder- I created a folder for Output files. All the files showed up in The Title Set Dialog-box below I Clicked on VTS_01_*.VOB... = 3 Files showed up in PGCs in Selected TitleSet =01 Entry,02 Entry,03 Entry Although it might have looked easy enough I clicked on[bold] PROCESS!![/bold] (but after consulting guides given for it, i still hadnt a notion what to do next-) as i realised later on when i checked the log that i had 'processed it 4 times!' I opened up [bold]DVD Shrink [/bold] & it continued to shrink the files-> 2.1/4hr later+3 cups of coffee+some hairs pulled out-not many left! The DVD was only playable on a pc (but not autoplay) & thats only after clickin on each VTS file & loadin it in the playlist on the WINDVD PLAYER. [bold]SO I TRIED AGAIN[/bold] This time i loaded the files in again, i selected all the files in the TitleSet Dialog box & hit the PROCESS!! button [bold]And now can someone tell me what to do now & what could have happened before-hand as it does look easy enough[/bold] (but so many buttons to let you think you have to do somethin else!) Thanks a lot!
I'll try that out, but i dont have the original dvd now, but i'll get it off my brother soon. Also is DVDFab Decrypter more capable than DVD Decrypter ?
AnyDVD, Shrink and DVD Decrypter works like, right hand left hand try this you'll see and there are many ways to burn dvd's just find a combo of programs that works for you this combo works for me (if it aint broke don't fix it)
Try the new version of DVDFAB Decrypter and just download main movie only to your hard drive. Then use DVDShrink and Nero to write.
Yeah i'll try that as soon as i get it back from my brother (the main reason for backin it up, as you never know when you're gettin it back-heh!) Im gonna try DVDFAB Decrypter anymore as i think i heard DVD Decrypter is not updated anymore? But im at a loss about downloadin the movie, unless you meant rippin the movie to the hard drive? REGARDS, NORM9
Ripping = Downloading...if speaking of putting the disc onto your HDD. I would use DVDFab Decrypter in leiu of DVD Decrypter in the future for the simple reason that DVDD is not longer getting support and DVDFab Decrypter is.
Do you have Nero? If you do burn to your hard drive first , then use DVD Shrink and Nero to compress and write your movie. You can find DVD Fab and DVD Shrink in my signature.
Cheers Locoeng for explainin that about the two, you can spot a newbie anywhere, hopefully someday i'll shake that off (i hope!) Thanks