I backed up my Diablo II game using alcohol 120...the created CD looks just like the original, but it is not recognized and wont play....what did I do wrong?
It probably has a protection on the disc. Go to this link...it has programs you could use to find what protection is on the disc so you can burn a working copy. http://www.gameburnworld.com/
Alcohol 120% can't be used without knowing the protection type if there is one. It has a list of setting for this and you have to choose the right one. You will need this software 'A-ray scanner' recommended from Alcohol itself from here: http://www.aray-software.com/
albertd25 You're exactly right. The site I gave Dlea has that program with may other to help figure out what protection is on the disc
I think that time is precious and people need if possible a direct fast solution than a global one. It is better a direct link than a whole website to look in. Alternatively you may give 2 way solutions, the fast one and the 'had to learn one'
You should had recommended this link : http://www.gameburnworld.com/cdridentifyingtools.htm instead of: http://www.gameburnworld.com/ as long as you does know who is asking and his knowledge's. I wish you could understand me because people could easily get lost into a website or between terms.