Hey I've been backing up my dvds for a while now but I keep coming across certain problems with two of my favourite anime dvds. They're Spirited Away and Grave of the Fire Flies. I notice that the DVD's are both multi angleled as in when the movie is playing if you hit the angle button on you DVD remote it will switch from the movie to the storyboard and back again once you've hit it again. I'm using brought versions of CloneDVD and AnyDVD and everytime I try to dump the files to my hard drive it brings up the error SCHEDULAR 1 TCE. Every other DVD I've backed up has worked fine its just those two can anybody help???
Welcome to our Club there Chrisdafa, A question or two - There are 2 CloneDVD programs on the market, who made yours ? Have you tried another ripper like DVD Decrypter or SmartRipper then send it to your CloneDVD ? cheers, Pete