Ok, here's the tedious tale... Got myself an iomega +/-r writer a few weeks ago. Also got a copy of dvdxcopy express + sucessfully backing up dvds with good success rate. I've still got my dvd rom drive that i took out. If possible, i'd like to re-install (hardware wise) my rom drive to backup my backups, on the fly (I understand this to mean like 'tape to tape'!), so i don't have to go through the hassle of reading the backup in and then writing it again. Is this possible? Could ne1 suggest a decent site / forum on how to do this - my hardware skills are limited, but did manage to install the writer drive! Thanks for any help,
Yes it is possible, but nor recommended. Also it can only really be done with non encoded DVD's, ie pre-ripped or non encrypted ones.
Oh dear, I really havn't got to grips with the lingo. I assume my backup via Dvd c copy is considered as 'ripped'? Also - the encoding thing - once a dvd is backed up, is it still encoded? So on the whole orpheus - can't be done? Read on another post that someone was doing this via 'nero'?
Since you used dvdxcopy you either can't or it will be difficult to back up your backups because the program puts something on the disc to prevent this.
Well flup a duck. That's not cricket! Gues I'll have to change software then. 'supose people can't recc software on here, but could ne1 give me some suggestions of alternatives (possibly in priority order??!?). Also, Mr Orpheus, i'm really busting my balls trying to find decent media. After + or - r (+ pref), printable 25pk spindle. Tried all the recc ritek dealers - ie. status, dvd-and-media and all-4-mats - but none seem to do them. Again any suggestions - and thanx to all for replies + help.
dvd-and-media do clone disc - a great disc that i use. Also, speaking of cricket, I met your guy Tuffnel (spelt wrong) outside Old trafford and told him he was a crap cricketer (jokingly) and he gave me a pretend slap in the stomach. There were a few camera crews round him at the time filming, wonder if they got that - i could sue LOL. His bird is pretty nice too
Gone somewhat off topic - slap wrists! But can you print onto clone disks? It says "plain white top disk" - does that mean printable?