Backing up dvd's to dvd-r, not working!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by meadsy13, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. meadsy13

    meadsy13 Guest


    Still looking for help on backing up my dvd's to dvd-r. Am trying to backup my dvds for the first time, they are mostly bigger than 4.7 gb. As these have css copy protection, after taking advice from your site i used dvd decrypter to rip them to my hard drive, I also removed the region as well. Since then I have wasted 5 dvd-rs trying to write it to dvd-r, using different burning programs.

    Firstly I used Nero recode, this worked, but on the main movie there was no sound at all, but there was on the title screens. Errors were displayed when using clone dvd and pinnacle, soIm stuck I can't work out the problem, why is it not writing properly or why is there no sound?????? I have now tried dvd43, but that doesnt work with recode either. Please Help, would be much appriciated, thank you,
  2. pudgy

    pudgy Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Hi Meadsy13,

    Ok, first, once you rip the movie to your HD it shouldnt matter what format you write it back too.What matters is what format your burner/dvd rom is..i.e -r, +r,+/-r,see what I mean, there are many formats, this could be your problem..

    As far ripping goes, use shrink to rip, then either decrypter or nero to write to your blank disc.

  3. meadsy13

    meadsy13 Guest

    Thanks for the help, but thats not what i asked, the format isnt a problem, I just rip it to my hard drive that part is fine, I remove region tho, will that make a difference on a disk? Anyway the big problem is when I write it with recode there is no sound!!!! Do I have to make sure AC3 sound is checked is AC1 sound ok? Also I have already tried it with shrink etc. all recommended on this site, clone dvd but they dont work!!!!! Need help any more suggestions?
  4. pudgy

    pudgy Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    AC3 is the dolby digital sound - I wouldnt remove it that could be the problem, as far as region free, you should always use region free when burning. I hope this helps.


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