Backing Up Games

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by james8492, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. james8492

    james8492 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Okay im a begginer at this i dont know that much about this. I got 3 xiso's from the internet and i burned them with dvd decrypter on 1x (following the complete guide to making a XB game backup). When i tried playing them it would say this disk is unreadable or something like that. So i tried copying them with the Copy Disc function on UnleashX. On each one after the first few files it would get stuck on a file and then give me a error code(I think a few of them were 1117?). Now i naturally assumed that the xiso's were corrupted so i tried to make a backup of one of my own games (The Chronicles of Riddick Butcher Bay). It worked perfect and it was a clean burn. Then i popped it in my Xbox and it would'nt work saying this disk is unusable or corrupt or something along those lines. Also this might help. I used Fujifilm DVD-R's. Could someone help me
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    well, why games do not work is a broad topic, some common causes:
    1. your Xbox just doesn't like those DVD's, try Verbatim 8X DVD-R
    2. burning at 1X was too slow, try 4X (especially on 8X and 16X DVD's)
    3. you Xbox is not properly modded and not playing back up discs
  3. james8492

    james8492 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Thanks im going to go to bestbuy and buy some verbatims in a little while but i think my softmodded xbox will play back-ups/fujifilm. I had a succesful burn of Slayers Evox auto installer2.7 which worked ok on my xbox at 1x but there i heard alot of stoping and starting drive noises. So i shall also try and burn the fuji dvd-r's at 4x, maybe 8x since it the disc is 16x.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  4. james8492

    james8492 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Thanks alot! Ive gotten all three of them to work now! I got Verbatim 8x dvd-r's and burned them at 4x which works now. Thanks you!

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