I am wanting to cleanup my computer and make backups of all my pictures of the family on computer. To make backups on cd's, it takes forever because you have to use so many discs. The problem I am running into is this, I am using sonic and when I add pictures to the list to be burned, it will not run duplicates, for example, if I have ten pictues that are the same name dsc001, then it will want to write over, not have duplicate names. I dont want to go through and rename all the pictures because that would take freaking forever!!! So any advice would be helpful, thanks a lot.
If you have a copy of Nero any old copy will do for this.You can just drag the whole file regardless in to a cd data disc and you will have all on a cd.As long as the file does not exceed the limit of the cdr capacity John179
Twisted72, Whenever you put files, or pictures on the same disc or in the same folder your PC needs a way to tell them apart, among other things, so that when you try to retrieve them it knows which ones to get for you. If you place the same named file in different discs or folders or directories you'll never hear a whimper BUT it's not possible to have 2, "Dad's new car.jpg" depicting 2 separate pictures on the same disc OR in the same folder. It also isn’t possible to have 2 folders in the same directory both with the exact same name. You certainly can have "Dad's new car 1.jpg" and "Dad's new car 2.jpg" - that is your only option - It’s not what you wanted to hear but it’s the way things work. cheers, Pete PS - John's answer did remind me of another option, If every one of your 10 pictures are in a seperate folder then you can put all 10 folders on your disc without difficulity. Think of your PC like a "Fussy" child who doesn't want his/her peas touching on her dinner plate. As long as the files (Pics) don't touch, you're OK. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP [/small]
how come when I copy pictures onto windows media player for data disc it will have dsc001, dsc001(2), dsc001(3) and so on?
That's because your PC is "automatically" renaming your pics. Let it do that on your PC and then you can put it onto (or into) your CD.
Thought, Have you thought of placing all your pics in your WMP so that all your pics are re-named then using your "SHIFT" key highlight them all and then drag them onto your CD. Anything that you can do to rename your pics will work - they just cannot have the exact same name as another - That there is da rules )
Another thing the media player will do for you in the copy to a device section.It will pick out any corrupt data and ask you if you want to continue to burn the cd before it burns.Which is better than getting half way through like some programes and then spitting your cd out serplus to requirement. Well scuba iam off to bed now but just before i go.Where you think us drunks should go. It is is 4:30am in the Uk and here is a young stallions night out in the UK at the ripe age of 21. 8pm til 11pm in the pub last orders over outside the pub (Fight) while waiting for a taxi. 11:30 til 2am rave in the club until totally drunk. 2:10 Qick Kerbab 2:20 Another fight outside the taxi rank. 2:20 til 4:00 if lucky bit of fun with the lucky lady or straight home to bed or police station for a sleep either way out by 4am. As it is it is 4:30am uk time in the morning and iam neither a drunk or a young stallion and iam still writing to you. Get the drift us old men like yourself stay the course and iam only 35 and classed as old in the Uk.Myself iam not either a drunk or a thug Cheers John179 have a drink on me and i know you was only joking. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Anything dodgy and your off down the station John179 Asus A7V8X-X XP2800+,2x120gb,1Gig Ram Ati 128mb Graphics 2 x dvd Lite-on 411S NEC 2510A os windows x[/small]
tis joking I was doin' there "Big" John, Sit down my friend and have another pint on me - I need one more before I head home and would like the company -