After backing up my movies, I go to (yes .cc not .com) and down load,for free a picture of the dvd label and print a stick on dvd label, for my back up. It looks just like the real dvd movie. So if you don't know about that web site check it out. It's great! But now I have a question, I'am looking for (and I know one is out there) a web site that I could down load a short review of the Dvd. Only a few lines not a whole page. I could add this to my dvd case and to my movie index I keep. So who knows this web site?? Please answer. Dan
You can get short descriptions of the movie from... I also will suggest that using stick-on labels for DVDs are not recommended. They can actually unbalance the DVD and cause skipping. Also I have heard that the adhesive part of the labels can deteriorate the DVD faster. (Which there are some Labels with adhesive that is safe for DVDs but it is still recommended not to use them). Plus I have seen problems with labels peeling off in units due to heat causing the label to curl up or peel off and get stuck in unit. The best way to obtain labels on your DVD is either Lite Scribe or Printable DVDs. (I just use a sharpie and write the name of movie on disc) If you have problems or decide to follow this advice and need to remove the labels below is a thread on how to remove them... Below are threads that talk about different ways to label DVDs other then paper labels...
I agree labels are bad - if they don't throw off the balance, they can peel after awhile and potentially destroy your dvd player/the backup copy. I use a sharpie or print directly on the disc. Happy Burning