I have a problem. I have backed up my XBox games onto my hard drive using the program DVD2XBox. The following games will NOT work for some odd reason: Madden 2006 - I get nothing. It will not go past the EVOX Screen NCAA 2006 - See above Wrestlemania XXI - I get the initial credits screen and nothing else I have also backed up RAW 2 which seems to work very well. Does anyone have any ideas of why the other three games did not work? Some other games I have backed up that actually did work include: The Sims 2 Splat Paintball NCAA March Madness 2004 Another game that will NOT back up is Tetris Worlds/Star Wars:The Clone Wars. I believe that was because it was a two in one combo and perhaps it confused the program or something. Any ideas of how to get these games to actually work, or what I may be doing wrong would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some insight on my problems.
i have had a few games that did the same things... i got over this by 1 putting the games to disc instead of the hdd 2 ftp the game from xbox discdrive to your pc then back to the xbox hdd..... just a couple things that worked for me.. dont know if they will help but at least i had a go
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. Are you saying that I should load the game into my XBox Disk Drive and then FTP it from there to my PC? Then back to my XBox Hard Drive? I think that is what you are saying. Please clarify. Thanks.