backing up probs.....

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by jimbob11, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. jimbob11

    jimbob11 Guest

    hi guys ive been using this forum for long time as an anomynous soul but now i need some help with a little prob, when backing up nfs carbon i get all files across, convert to iso alrite burn on to disc but when i go to use it it just comes up as all file names!!!
    so i then try again this time add the default.exe file into the file i transferred across from xbox and then convert to iso, all it does then is start to load but then just freezes on the xbox logo?? what am i doing wrong?? it must be just one simple thing but im stuck and reading other posts in here doesnt seem to solve the problem any ideas anyone??
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    if your burning it to a DVD-R then try to burn it to a +R, but as far as i know it works on -R's but not +R's.
  3. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    its just a bad burn ok....

    Use Nero as your iso burning program if u want i personaly becasue its easy to use...So Make sure that your burning speed is X4-X8 so it will come out good....

  4. jimbob11

    jimbob11 Guest

    hmmmmm ok na cant be just a bad burn, ive used 6 disc so far tryin to get it rite!! i use dvd decrypter for all my burnin and never had a prob till now i mite try nero see how that goes but i dont know if thats the prob..... can only try tho eh??
  5. jimbob11

    jimbob11 Guest

    nero did no good..... it transfers across ok converts to iso ok but just wont burn?? try it one way it just opens a bunch of files when launched, and if i add the data.exe file before converting to iso it launches but stops pretty much straight away??
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    it sounds like you have made working copies before correct?

    I have NFS Carbon and it backed up just fine.
    should be no different from other games.

    Use Craxtion4 to rip the game from the original disc in the Xbox drive to the PC, then use it to take that folder and create an ISO from it.
    Then DVD Decrypter to burn it.

    Worst case you can always get a copy online and just download and burn the ISO.

    P.S., to use cration4 you need to have the .Net Framework installed on your PC. This is free software from Microsoft. Many people forget this and then try to install and use Craxtion4 only to find that it doesn't work. HJere is a link to .Net Framework
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  7. Gizza205

    Gizza205 Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Mayby its a bad copy of NFS Carbon
  8. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Or u can FTP teh game to your xbox...did u try that

  9. jimbob11

    jimbob11 Guest

    hi thanks for the replies, umm ive never used the craxtion4, ill get it a little later and try that, i dont need to download a copy really ive already got the game just want to use a back up as the kids tend to scratch the discs quite frequently and games are quite expensive :) havnt tried to ftp yet that could be an idea.... arrrrrggg all my other games didnt give me this grief!!!!!lol...
  10. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Well good luck

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