Backing up XBOX games

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by sjmcc, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. sjmcc

    sjmcc Guest

    Hi there
    Using your forum I have been able to back up my Xbox games for a while now, but since I tried to connect my laptop to my computer, something went wrong with the FTP. I can no longer connect my xbox to my computer properly through FlashFXP and Craxtion4 doesn't appear to be working either. I connect using a crossover cable and have tried changing the static IP's heaps of times but nothing will work. Any help will be much appreciated.
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    when you set up your laptop did you set a staic IP for it?
    Is your PC set up with a staic IP?
    If your PC and Laptop are set up DHCP to automatically assign an IP address did you make sure that the address it gave the laptop is not the one that it use to use for the Xbox?

    If you could list your settings for the PC, Laptop, and Xbox as far as IP Address and the other connection settings it would help.
    There is really no way to tell why it will not work without all that.
  3. sjmcc

    sjmcc Guest

    Confessing I don't know much about the subject, I don't need to have my laptop connected anymore and I can't remember what I did with the IP's. All I need to know is if it is possible for me to change some of my configuration settings on the xbox/computer so that the two will talk to each other. I have tried changing the IP on both machines, but can't get a connection using either FlashFXP or Craxtion4. Again, the laptop is not needed all that served in doing was myself or the computer (I can't remember) changing an IP address which I think stuffed everything up but maybe it wasn't that. Like I said, I have tried countless times to get this to work again, but I can't. There is no Internet connection on the particular computer that connects to my xbox and my xbox users EXECUTER2 chip, if that helps. Thanks for all your help, it is greatly appreciated.
  4. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    you still need to list all your setting, that is the only way someone will be able to tell if anything is wrong. Just saying that it doesn't work is not going to get you much help.

    If you did not set the IP on the laptop when you made that connection then your system is most likely set up as DHCP and automatically assigned one. If it assigned the same one the Xbox already used then it will not connect to the Xbox.

    It is most likely just your settings that are wrong.
    That and possibly that you have to set up your connection on the main PC for "network sharing"
    read the FTP tutorials and the connection sharing tutorial and see if any of that will help.

    but basically if your pc is like
    and you set the xbox to something like
    then set all the other information the same like the DSN, Default gateway, subnet mask and so on. Also the type of connection it has.
    If your PC is set to have a static IP you set the static setting on your dashboard to yes, if not then set it to NO (DHCP) and when you hook the xbox up and start it then the PC will automatically assign one for you.

    Then set up FlashFXP with the same settings as what the Xbox has as far as the IP, and the username and password of "xbox" all lower case.

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