Backing up XboX the same was as DVDs?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by drleephd, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. drleephd

    drleephd Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    I use DVDshrink then Nero 6 Ultra Edition to make backups of my DVDs. Can I use this same method to backup my XboX games?
  2. eggbert52

    eggbert52 Regular member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    yes you problem...but you must have a floppy in the A drive and deactivate your Norton Antivirus. Then you must burn at 1/3 speed and put three little black dots on your blank DVD in the form of a form the Pythagorean triangle in order to have it work.

    A squared plus B squared = C squared

    Follow along

    A= You don't search
    B= You don't read
    C= You're DUMB's not my theory...
  3. scottas

    scottas Guest

    Ha, Ha, Ha,......we definatly need our own discussion site for advanced users.

    drleephd, please read in the guides section - backing up xbox games. If some of us sound harsh, its because no one reads the forum rules and guidelines! All basic info is covered in the guides section and at the beginning of some of the forums. All we ask is that you noobs READ!!! Then by all means post questions about what you have read and need some help with the details. Everything you need to know is here. SEARCH = FIND... search posts, guides, google etc.


    I think I put the three dots on the wrong side of the disk. Also my flip top seems to be jammed and my xbox stopped working as soon as I unplugged it. Any ideas??
  4. drleephd

    drleephd Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Hey you guys don't have to get all nasty on me...I did do some extensive research by the way and I still had no luck finding anything. Just a simple question that required a one sentence answer or a simple link. The rest I can do on my own and if I had any questions afterwards then I'll post another post regarding my new problem.
  5. scottas

    scottas Guest

    Sorry bro, there's just been a rash of what I'll call "I'm too lazy to use the search function" posts. To answer your question, no it doesn't work that way. You'll need a modded xbox so you can connect via ftp from your pc. The xbox games aren't readable on a pc. Once connected via ftp you can then copy contents of disk to a folder on your pc, use craxtion, qwix or equivenlent to create an iso and then burn that image using nero or other to a blank dvd-r (my preference). There are detailed guides available. Just do a search on the forums. Good luck.
  6. drleephd

    drleephd Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Ok thanks. I got a modded XboX and I use FlashFXP so that is all good, just a matter of finding the program that's all. Thanks for the help scottas.

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