I have a problem playing dvd "the romance of the 3 kingdoms" on standalone player, but computer is ok check disc info with nero info tool ... that it is region all, NTSC, 4:3, and "MPEG1,720x480" ( that is weird! It should be mpeg2, isnt it?) Note: i have already used "shrink3.1.7" and burn w/nero and it wont work. ===> thinking of riping *.vob to mpeg1, then convert to mpeg2, etc ... but want to keep all the menu, features (( to much work consider i am newbie, any info would help - thanks
as I stated, I have problem with it . Not a chance on any standalone dvd player. it can be played on computer. My point is to make a back up which can be played on dvd player. Any help?
So i take it the Romance of the 3 Kingdoms is not an original then. If its MPEG1 it shouldnt be on a DVD Disc and will need to be covnerted to MPEG2
yeah, it sounds weird. But it looks to me as "original" dvd (white silver bottom-pressed disc-not burning, printed top) but after check info with nero I would think this was made in china! Ah, there's one more thing which showed up on nero: It said "dvd-rom", not usual as dvd video or dvd-r I dont know how to convert from *vob(with mpeg1) to mpeg2 and also all the feature, menus ... sounds Beside of that, this movie is about 30 dvds :-( moaning ehhhh. is there any fast way?