whats up forum, i want tot know where can i get my hands on backups for XBOX (not XBOX 360). thanks in advance.
Ironically, requesting that here is against the forum rules. You may not request backups or illegal download links on these threads.
Hey I respect your 2 cents but here is a reply that i cut and pasted from a thread dated 12/04 @1 3:42. I found it in the following thread: THE COMPLETE GUIDE AND FAQ TO MAKING A XBOX GAME BACKU! LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING ...HOW TO ...THREAD" If it was posted once why not again? I'm not that good and it's too much of a hassle. Are there sites that sell backups? Yes. Two of them are is http://www.morbidbackups.com and http://www.ritegames.com Ritegames is the cheapest, but backup outlet looks more legitimate and the backups look like originals (without the Xbox holographic label of course)
You might also note, that ths post was from 2004, when the site was much smaller and less regulated. Obviously, you don't respect the rules here much if you're re-posting it. Otherwise, if anything, you might just post a link to that thread. Although, ironically, both sites were shut down anyways.