Backup movie on HDD won't complete to DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mscopr, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I have XP Service Pack 2 (did this beofre sp2). I use Iomega SuperDVD usb.
    Okay, I used DVD-cloner newest version to b/up DVD to HDD. It backups fine to harddrive. But, when I go toput it on the DVD for backup it will not complete. It gets to about 90% and then aborts. I used Maxwell DVD-RW (used another one before that). I have also tried using DVD shrink but nothing will complete the copy. Any suggestions? I spent this money to be able to back up DVDS but it isnt working and I am not to happy so any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Try to install an aspi layer:
    [bold]This site goes down alot, keep trying[/bold]
    Download both Force and ASPI Check. Instructions on the site. I run KILLASPI then INSTASPI, of course reboot after.
    [bold]If you need it tonight try this:[/bold]

    Read this:

    Also before you read that ... DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter are both free :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz
    1.5 GB RDRAM, 700GB HD
    NEC 2510A, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro SP2, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2004
  3. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I downloaded the aspi layers and it is still doing the same thing. Copies the DVD to HD but copies up to 93% from the HDD back to a DVD. I did go and buy two different types of DVDs just to see and that didn't do it either. This is so frustrating. I get the I/O error so will be calling Iomega tonight as they have been of Labor day holiday as I think it has something to do with my DVD player.

    thanks Maria
  4. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi Maira, Can you check and see what size the file shows on your HD before burning. Its a possibility its too big. Since its getting 90% done I would look at file size because burning to the outer edges of a blank is where you might have more problems.

  5. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    it was smaller then the DVD but not by much. So, you think if I copied to 2 DVDs that might work. Guess I can try that after work tonight. Also, how does copying to two DVDs work when playing in your DVD player? thanks for helping me with this. I really appreciate it. Went to "Staples" and they act like you are committing horrid acts when talking about backing up DVDS to DVDs...LOL so thanks

  6. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Try setting the target size to 4300 in DVDShrink. That should be enough to keep from burning to the outer edge. That may help you complete the burn.

  7. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    in DVD shrink do you have to burn with NERO?
    I do have it but uninstalled it as Roxio was installed
    thanks again

  8. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    My suggestion along with many members on here is the other way around. Uninstall Roxio and keep Nero. Roxio causes more problems when burning dvd's than its worth. Nero is a well rounded group of software features and works well with Shrink.

  9. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I installed Nero and believe it or not the DVD finally copied. I put it into my DVD player and it is skips or drags some and subtitles are on it; so, I need to redo it to get rid of subtitles and read how to stop the skipping or dragging or whatever it is called. I greatly appreciate your help with all of this. I need to play with Nero now to see how to use it properly and learn more about Shrink (read the guide)..that is what I need to tell you I changed something on the properities on Shrink regarding the I/O not sure if that is what finally did it or not...but, need to see what the settings should be on all those properities.
    Slowly learning this...thanks to this great forum and your help...

  10. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Skipping and freezing playback is usually from poor quality blank media. I only use Ritek blanks and haven't had any problems since I started using them. Taking out the extra junk from the copy may help. It takes some playing around at first to find what blank media your burner likes best. At least you are getting some results. Keep at it and ask any questions if you need help.

  11. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    They don't have they type of media you mentioned at Staples (only have Staples & Wmart) small town. I bought HP thinking they would be good but guess not. They had a media called TKEON but hadn't heard of it so wasn't sure. I also have used Maxwell and Sony. Plus the media I used was a +RW. I will try a Sony media tonight but thanks for that info at least I know.
  12. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    You don't find Ritek in too many stores. I order mine on line from here.

    Verbatim is another good choice. Staples, Office Depot, or Office Max may have them.

  13. mscopr

    mscopr Guest

    I will see about ordering them. One more question if I could please...does the speed have anything to do with it? I bought some and they are 2x and copier said wouldn't copy due to speed?

    just much to learn

  14. bigfoot30

    bigfoot30 Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    You just hit the nail on the head, there is a lot to learn in backing up DVD's. Take your time and be patient. Remember to shut down all running programs while burning, especially virus software and screen savers. Take you time and read the guides as posted, (there's a link to them in my siggy). And most of all use quality media. DVD's are different from CD's. Here,, quality counts big time. Oh,, bye the way,, welcome to aD

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