backup of harry

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mbssoft, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. mbssoft

    mbssoft Member

    Oct 28, 2003
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    So the kids would not destroy the new harry potter game disk I decided to copy it to the xbox hard drive.
    Everything seemed to copy ok but when we launch the game from the menu it simply freezes,
    Anyone else had a problem with the latest Potter offering?
  2. Laxington

    Laxington Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    ... why dont you just tell the truth and say you copied the game? i hate this shit!!! dont tell shit like: "because of my kids, bla bla bla"

    noone just pays 90$ for a new HDD and 70$ for a modchip (incl. installation) just to "backup" a hary potter game because the kids would otherwise damage it .... almost 99,99% of modders use their xbox for copies! and so do you!

    i hate it!!!!! i modded my xbox in order to copy games. and i wouldnt have modded it, if the fuc*** games wouldnt be so expensive!
  3. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    Now im sorry "Laxington" but who are you,I or anyone to "pre-judge" this gents post.

    Can you be 100% sure that he does not have a legal copy of this disk ? I know I cant say that.

    now maybe just maybe he did download this game for his kids, like the rest of us we would pay for software if we were charged a "reasonable" amount.

    The Uk does rather tend to get ripped off with software charges so this type of "piracy" can be understood if not actually condoned.

    (I await the flaming to start for my next statement, but what im writing below IS truthfull after all so please take it on the chin my american brethern)

    What is really bad is that the americans get really cheap prices on software/hardware and they still pirate the stuff now thats what I call being the lowest of the low when they CAN actually get the stuff cheap.

    So to get back to the initial post. The game in question is called "harry potter qudditch world cup" I take it? If this is so I have an actual game disc of this (which i can take a pic with the digital camera of beside a today dated newspaper if anyone wishes to doubt me)
    To be honest i have not actually used this disc yet as i got it to test out the non-HDD loading aspect but i havent had time as i was working on getting TOCA2/V8 supercars to load to HDD with no problems.

    I will work on this in future and post my findings if i can overcome this problem and patch the game to enable it to be run from HDD.

  4. mbssoft

    mbssoft Member

    Oct 28, 2003
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    Scotsmen - The game in question is prisoner of azkaban and thanks for your support.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2004
  5. Laxington

    Laxington Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    @scotsmen: you are right, i went a few times down to the us and most of the pc and console things are very very cheap. the just think that the stupid europeans will pay every price.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2004
  6. modding

    modding Guest

    Laxington:if you hate this shit then get the F&*# off the forum and mind your own business.
  7. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    We "europeans" have little or no choice about the prices we are expected to pay.

    And I will be looking into a solution to your problem once I get a copy of that disc "prisoner of azkaban".

    Im lucky in the fact that I mod xbox day in day out, and only wish to assist those who require it.


  8. modding

    modding Guest

    How much are you guys paying for a xbox and games over there?
  9. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    For "upto date" titles anything between £39.99 to £49.99 that a lot when you guys coverto it over to dollars approx between $72.90 upto $91.13

  10. modding

    modding Guest

    That's about what it costs in Canada too.
  11. Laxington

    Laxington Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    edited for content that violates forum rules
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2004
  12. Laxington

    Laxington Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    @scotsmen: well, thank you for helping and supporting. we pay about 70 EUROs for a game. way too much i think.
  13. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    Now children we can all play nice in the same sand pit please.


  14. mbssoft

    mbssoft Member

    Oct 28, 2003
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    Laxington you really are a very sad person, you are quite happy to be rude but when someone is rude back you degrade to silly threats.
    You are quite welcome to try son but i hope you like hospital food.
  15. mbssoft

    mbssoft Member

    Oct 28, 2003
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    Hi Scotsmen
    Be interested to hear how you get on with Prisoner.
    Best regards.
  16. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    EVERYBODY that has said a comment that violates forum rules needs to chill out. Anymore comments that has NOTHING to do with helping out the question at hand WILL BE REMOVED and possible bannings will be no problem in being handed out.
  17. Scotsmen

    Scotsmen Guest


    with regards to "Oner's" last post, I say "Here Here"

    Please remember the reasons that this type of forum is in exsistance. Incase a few do not know what this is for I will explain.

    The internet is a nice and fast medium that allows "like minded" people to come together and swap ideas and "help" each other out. And yes even (at times heated) debate but there is a difference between debating and what does appear prevalant on the internet that manifests itself as sadistic and veomous "flaming" by a thankfully select few.

    I get the feeling that many in real life would not assault others in such a manner, they feel safe to hide behind their keyboard and treat others in a derogatory manner.

    Please refrain from this type of treatment of others. The old adage of "treat others as you would like to be treated" will stand you in good stead , and prevent the moderators from intervening.

    The moderators at times have a very difficult job to do in attempting to stay subjective, while being subjected to ritual abuse, remeber too that these guys & gals carry out this thankless task usually for free.


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