Did anyone over at Pegasus actually test this program before releasing it? It won't load .avi files. That is the point of the program, right? To convert .avi files? Perhaps there should be a policy on these forums not to link to TMPGenc Plus 2.5. And yes, I have the codecs: TMPGenc 2.0 Source loads .avis just fine. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for new templates (like KDVD) to be added. My quest to create KDVDs and KSVCDs goes on... Shnaggle
Well first make sure you have all the correct codecs installed and then go into tmpgenc and go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" then to "Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the Priority of the "Direct Show Multimedia File Reader" to "2" and lower everything else to "0" and then your AVI files should Load.... Also Tmpgenc doesn"t like all audio formats especially VBR MP3 and AC3 which are the Most Common Audio format used in dowloaded AVI files.... The way to Avoid problems is to decompress the audio in your AVI file before encodeing it with Tmpgenc (And many other encoders also)... You can download a Tool here that will decompress the audio in your AVI files before you encode them.... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=01CT6LNE Cheers