bad copy

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by deejee, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. deejee

    deejee Guest

    I just bought a DVD writer (Sony DVD RW DW-U14A) and tried to copy a DVD with DVD Shrink. According to PC everything OK, but on the DVD stand alone the movie stops playing at different places. Tried on another DVD stand alone, same problem. Can this be a problem of bad DVD discs (too cheap ?) or can this be due too high compression ? (Movie = Gladiator 149 mins ...)
    should I try with more expensive discs ? or is there another reason ?

  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    The fact that you feel the discs are too cheap is my clue to suggest a move to top-grade, name brand media - Ritek or Verbatim are good :0

    I don't think compression is your problem, we do many DVD's over 2 1/2 hours, even several movies on a single disc - the pic might degrade but no skips, ever -


    If you have problems later come on back - knowing you'll never, ever regret using the good stuff
  3. deejee

    deejee Guest

    problem solved, with better quality discs !
    thxs fr yr help
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Well, I guess my work here is done, time to climb aboard Ole' Paint (makin' sure I've got a pocket full "O" quarters) and mosey on out of town -

    "Click, click Ole' Boy," Sez me,

    (Climb'en on up in the saddle and wheelin' my horsey around)

    (Tossing in 3 quarters to get started)

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    Goin' ta mosey down Mexico way, hook up with my old compadrays, "Fast" Frankie, "Knowledgeable" Jerry, and "Doc Speed", fastest typist in the old West,

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    Yep, We got places to go and people to see and help bail out of trouble,

    (Clip, clop, clippity, clop)

    We leave behind people like pa10inf and Leviticus, up-comin', and free thinkin' newbies able to take their next step on their own -

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    "Giddie Up Ole' Paint"

    (tossin' in a few more quarters)

    (clippity, clippity, - clippity, - clippity, - - clippity, - -

    -clip, - - - Clop - -

    and like that - -


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