When trying to diagnose a problem with a computer, how do you know its the CPU, and how do you know its the MOBO? just want some input from some other tech's to advance my Diagnostic Database. I apprecieate your input!
There is no sure fire way to determine which one is the problem pending the system is dead and wont boot to the BIOS apart from trying a replacement known working CPU in the board, or vica versa. So if a visual of both does not show an obvious problem it is not easy. My experience from teaching computer technology in a college is that if students have been working manually in the system and have killed one of them, that it has been 50% each way CPU or board. If it has been a wear and tear problem that has occured naturally it has been the board 90% of the time. Other peoples experiences may however be different to mine, Only once have i tried a known working CPU in a suspect board has the board killed the good CPU, so be aware that can happen but rare (again in my experience). If you have a choice, try a suspect CPU in a known working board if that makes any sense. I have rarely seen intermitant faults with a CPU, most of the time they work or dont. Motherboards are a different beast. Hope that helps somewhat.
Also, visual evidence is not limited to the CPU itself...if the cooler is heavily clogged with dust, or if the fan does not spin freely, this can be a good hint that it is the CPU.
Not to get off the subject but i had a problem like this where i could not boot in my bios after about 2 months of searching mb sent to gigabyte and tested 3 power supplies replaced by newegg new cpu from intel it ended up being my gforce video card. thats the 3rd one that died on me never had a ati one go. good luck