I have been backing up some games on a dvd and after I burn them I insert the DVD+R into my dvd rom and it just spins and does nothing. I even tried to open the dvd rom from my computer and it shows nothing is there!! I have tried Alcohol 120 and Nero so it's not the software. Could this be a dvd burner problem. It shows it burns it fine. It just doesn't recognize it after. It's like there is a blank disc in when Nero and Alcohol said it burned successfully. HELP! This just started happening.
coolbrz, Have you thought about it been bad media? because it probably is. what kind of disc's are they?
Is it just for burned discs or original discs that won't play? Memorex are the worse dvds in the market. Try verbatins or sonys. You can also go to the manufacturer's site and download and update the firmware of your drive. Can you see your burned discs on other computers or dvd players??
It doesn't recognize the burned discs. I have been using Memorex for years and never, ever had a problem with quality or anything. The burned discs do not work on my other computers drives either. I'm kinda at a lost. That's why I think it's a burner gone bad.
I'm no expert but, if you have used this burner for some time it's probably time for a new one; but really, memorex media is horrible, and I think anybody here will tell you the same. Have you installed new software that may have caused the burner to stop working??
This is what is funny. It says it's burning then says it was burned successfully. But yet my drives or any other drives can't read it.
Then I think you'll end up changing the drive. Good thing is that they're not too expensive nowadays... Sorry I couldn't be of much help. Cheers!