I just built my first computer. It has: -A Chaintech 7NJL6 motherboard w/ an Athlon 2900+ processor -An ATI 7500 64MB video card -A 400w power supply -768MB of RAM -80 GB hard drive When i turn on the computer it will run for about two minutes, barely making it to the beginning of the Windows installation. Then, the computer just turns off. When I try to turn the computer back on, it won't come on. I have to turn the power supply switch off & back on on the back of the computer. Then it will come on again for a couple minutes. I didn't know if the power supply was too small so I put in an older video card (one that should use less power) & unplugged a CD Rom drive, the lights on the case & the floppy drive. It still did the same thing. I don't know if the CPU is bad, the power supply is bad, or if I need to get a 500 or 600 watt. Please help.
disconnect all data & power cables to drives. remove all cards & ram except for a videocard & a stick of ram. let it post & sit to see if still does it or not. if still does than remove board out of case & isolate it from the case so can still use power supply. try another power supply
is your system getting to hot how do you have your cpu sinked sounds like heat but also i know on my mothers pc if her power goes out then she will have to reset the power bus so maybe ur psu is crapin out
I'd follow the advice of DDP. Also, if you have a digital camera, take pics and post here for our review or tell us what messages you are receiving during the initial POST and BIOS program start up. Do you hear any beeps during the POST routine? How many beeps do you hear?? Let us know.
Thanks for all of your advice. I really appreciate it. It turned out to be the CPU overheating. The power supply was fine & the computer is working great now.