Bands Across Playback-JVC GR-D72U

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by Stitcher, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. Stitcher

    Stitcher Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    New to recording so maybe this is a simple one? Have recorded 3 successful times using 2 JVC MiniDV 60min tapes. I just tried to record again on one of these and during the play-back there are five horizontal bands going across the video. These bands contain a "freeze-frame" of the previous video. Between these bands you can see the actual new footage running normally. The cam was purchased new 2 weeks ago and only used 4 times. I suspect my tapes may have come in contact with a corruptible source but do not have a new blank to test theory. I have tried to blank out different sections on each tape and then record on that section with the same results. I went to the end of the tapes where there is some original footage, from the first recording, and played it back to only see the same bands. I am at a loss as to what could be causing this issue but am praying it's not the cam but somehow is a user error. Thank goodness I downloaded all the footage before this happened! I appreciate any sharing of theories or similar experiences.
  2. Stitcher

    Stitcher Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    UPDATE: I borrowed a 3rd tape & was able to record and then re-record over the first 5 minutes multiple times. Each time the playback was perfect so that leads me to believe that something happened to the other 2 tapes. They have both been carried in the case with the camera and spare battery. Has anyone had a problem with batteries or something else destroying the full ability of their tapes? I know magnetic fields can erase tapes but I don't have a clue about batteries or otherwise, just doesn't make sense.
  3. slprydk

    slprydk Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    It may have been a bit of contamination in the tape path, try a tape head cleaner. I had my GR-D30 serviced in the Woburn, MA service center and they give out "Care Tips" one of them is "Never store tapes in the camcorder when not in use, it could clog or damage the heads." They also gave me tape recommendations, and no, not just JVC tapes

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