I don't know why i was banned i didn't do anything so can i please have my account back Also can some1 tell me wat i did wrong cuz i don't think i did anything
1. who were you? 2. you were obviously banned for a good reason, in which case, it is very likely your account will be re-instated. Please, take my advice... move on, and learn from your past mistakes. Good luck, and welcome back
I was tocool4u......I don't no what i was banned for....i think i deserve to know i just don't like the fact that i have to wait 3 minutes to post
Hi tocool4u2! I don't know what you were or were not banned for but that was a cool attitude in coming back....so....Welcome Back!!!
NOW YE ALL WILL UNDERSTAND AS TO WHY I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THIS BAN SYSTEM SET UP.. My take on this banning crap, is that the mods should have 4-buttoms to ban.. Warning to who ever would be first..and the warning would auto be placed under ye name. 1-warning,which would be under ye name for 10 days.. 2-a 15 day ban. 3-a 30 day ban 4-a total ban And a name should be auto placed under ye name say banned for 15 or 30days with the start date..and ending date.. And when it reaches the end date ye are auto reinstated. And a total ban it should say inactive. the mods with the 4-buttons will pick which one is chosen to use. it would not be a 3-strike deal...it would depend on what the guy did. and the mods should be given guidelines to follow from the admin.
I would just like my account back anytime that is available I understand that the mod thought i was another person.....So i don't have 3 minutes to post My account was tocool4u
I whole heartedly agree with your system Ireland, and believe it is doable. Have ye posted in the site suggestions forum?
just stick with your new one, I've never seen him re-instate anyone's old account after being banned...he's got much more important things to do (no offense)...if it was a mistake or accident, you have your new account which is virtually the same, so just stick with your new account and welcome back.
yea i no i just don't like being in the "newbie" state (also i have two wait 3mins to post again.... Like i had to write this post again becuz i forgot that i had to wait
also there should be a head mod with a little bit more powers to reinstate a ban person..and to be able to ban a mod if need be. drd and Ketola has both in the past has reinstated a ban newbies or what ever.
i'll close this one as tocool4u has his original account back - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/307362