ok i just got an xbox so im wondering, weill.... The Matrix Modchip open up the dvd side of it. Will the game side play DVDR's WITHOUT a modchip.
Im not sure what your asking, but the xbox will play copied movies without a mod chip and will not play copied games without a mod chip.
ok so for basic varification DVD-R MOVIES will play in the LEFT (game) side of an xbox WITHOUT a modchip DVD-R GAMES will NOT play in the LEFT (game) side on an xBox Without a modchip Still waiting on the other question tho. will The Matrix Modchip open up the dvd side of it.
Ok, im really lost now. I don't have a xbox, but my roommate had one. Are you saying there are two trays in you xbox to put discs in? Also, do you have the remote because i don't think movies work without the remote.
lol, haha there is only one side of the xbox that will open, this is the left side which will read almost every format if you put a mod chip in, and without a mod chip it will only read dvd games, dvd movies, music cds and some cd-r music cd's.