What is the best way to burn a DVD-R that has the exact same quality and menus and the original DVD without flaws? Thanks
Well the best way uses the most expensive encoders there is. Typically, the best way would be to re-encode the video stream with CCE SP or CCE Basic, with about 6-9 pass encoding. Then manually editing the ifo files with ifoedit so u can drop unwanted language files etc DVDRebuilder is a new tool to help u use CCE SP/Basic easily. CCE SP is probably the best MPEG-2 encoder availible at the moment which is not surprising with a pricetag of about $2,000. CCE Basic however is $60!
So sorry pooblob but you're beginning to get off on the wrong foot here - All those things at the beginning of this forum, the stuff you couldn't be bothered reading - The stuff that says forum rules ? The stuff that says Look First and IF you don't see it covered, then post." Stop #1. Forum rules - for you, rules 1 through 3 - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 Stop #2. Here's just one thread, not 20 or 30 like perhaps you should check but just One - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79846 Go from the beginning to the end, THEN come back, you'll know allot more and perhaps after trying all those things you'll read about, you'll have a question worth answering - your question has been asked sooooo many times it's not worth it - sea ya later, we'll chat then - Pete
Well.... Ye i guess it doesnt do any encoding but it will split the movie more than likely into 2 discs! and it has an annoying DVDXCopy screen at the startup of it, of course, you can download removers for that too.