I've got some mp3 intro music that I grabbed off the 'net & I want to add it as the background music for a dvd menu. The music is mono. Anyone know of a good program to make a pseudo-stereo wav out of a mono wav? I tried playing the file in one computer with WMP and adding some SRS effects then equalizing it and analog recording the wav to another computer with eac.(I don't have an spdif in/out card in the 'net computer) (btw, with wmp can you equalize a wav, add srs to it, and then save the file, without looping it back or using another computer?). The best way I've found so far is to run it thru my Lexicon and then rerecord it on another computer but that's a pain because I've got to adjust my Lexicon to 2 channel output). I just wondered if anyone knows of a good program to add a quasi-stereo effect to a mono wav. thx