Being Sued, I Think It Belongs Here, PLEASE HELP!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Dunsky, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Dunsky

    Dunsky Guest

    An ex landlord of mine is apparently tracking down all the people that lived in a house with me about four years ago. The landlord is alleging that we did 58,000 dollars worth of damage.

    He is just fishing for money since the local college shut down and he's out of tenants to rip off (in my humble opinion : )

    I need to know any programs that can tell me exactly when a photograph was taken, because if I get served with papers I want to be able to prove that he took the pictures more recently than four years ago...

    We really didn't cause any damage and this guy was a real scumbag (in my humble opinion)and I saw on TV how printers and digital cameras have all this hidden information "underneath" that says when the pictures were actually taken (not the last date modified or moved or whatever, but the actual root of the picture information)

    What programs can I use to do this, or what command prompts or whatever, I'll do anything I have to.

    Please help me, you'll be a real hero to someone in need...
  2. utjk2006

    utjk2006 Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    i dont know anything about programs and such but i do know alot about apartment maintenance i have been in the field for over four years. How long have you been out of the apartment
  3. Dunsky

    Dunsky Guest

    We've been out for over four years and this guy is coming after us, I don't have the itemized list because he hasn't been able to track me down yet apparently but I'm sure it's just a matter of time
  4. Cinch

    Cinch Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    There are no programs that can do that.

    The real issue here is I believe the statute of limitations in a civil matter like this is 3 years. (May vary depending on the state too)

    The landlord may be just trying to use some heavy handed tactics to try to scare you into a settlement with him. So that he incures no legal fees, and tells you 'settleing' for "less" money is in your best interest.

    My best advice is find out all the facts and then find a lawyer that charges a nominal fee and get their opinion.
  5. utjk2006

    utjk2006 Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    did you say you had the pictures? how do you have them if he hasnt found you and how do you even know he is looking for you. Anyway it is easy to fight this. Since it has been over four years he has to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the pics are from after you vacated and also the judge will want to know why all of a sudden four years later he decides to sue you and not right after you vacated the apartment. Most likely the judge will side with you. Especially if he is coming after every one that lived there since you at once as well. Like you said it sounds to me like he is trying to get money quick and it is very hard for me to imagine that anyone could have possibly caused 58,000 dollars worth of damage unless you burned it down or he uses the most expensive repair people possible. it is a very far fetched suit and i doubt u have anything to worry about. What is he claiming you did to the place. In general anyway since you dont have an itemized list
  6. Dunsky

    Dunsky Guest

    I found a program actually that shows the "metadata" of a jpeg file which tells you the make and model of the camera as well as when the picture was taken and even whether the flash was used or not.

    It's called IRFanView and I downloaded the plugin pack, but now that I know the information is called EXIF data I found a ton of programs that do it, I would just like to be able to get the original files of whatever pictures he says he took four years ago and be able to shove it right back up his ass when I prove they were taken two weeks ago like they probably were.
  7. Dunsky

    Dunsky Guest

    I don't have the pictures yet I am anticipating having access to them as a member of the proceedings.
  8. utjk2006

    utjk2006 Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    cinch is right talk to an attorney but in a case like this u can probably find one that will take the case pro bono which means u dont pay him unless u win the case. i am fairly sure u will be ok in this matter
  9. Dunsky

    Dunsky Guest

    Basically we were living in a mansion that was rented out to college kids during the "off" season (winter)... It was in a really affluent community, but a beach community...

    They would rent the place for 4000 dollars a month during the winter to college kids, and then it would go up to 35,000 dollars a month during the summer (not kidding, wish I was)...

    It was on the East End of Long Island, and it rhymes with The Bamptons : )

    Anyway I just don't want the headache of lawyers, plus my ex girlfriend is named in the lawsuit and it ended horribly and I couldn't bear to see her, this just sucks major moose dick all around.
  10. utjk2006

    utjk2006 Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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    yeah lawsuites are never hang on a sec let me look something up for you ill post it here in a couple minutes
  11. utjk2006

    utjk2006 Member

    Sep 11, 2007
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  12. hendrix04

    hendrix04 Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Most likely the pictures that are displayed as evidence will be hard copies, and the digital copies (if there are any) would probably never make it to court, but if they did, the EXIF data cannot be trusted. The EXIF data is what the camera tells it to be, can be edited after the fact, or he could set the date in the camera to whatever he wanted to set it to. Basically it will be a he said she said argument, but I will give you this advice if you are ever renting again. Take plenty of pictures before you move in, and get proof that those pictures were taken right after you moved in (by a notary note or something) and take pictures when you move out (again, obtain proof that they are not faked). This will cover you in the future. Good luck with your case.

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