IM trying to get the drive to read discs recorded off a JVC DVD Recorder and it wont reconize the discs as being there. IM using Memorex 16x media and h avent had any problems until lately. This is a sudden problem, something that hasnt happened before using this, or any media. Some things its doing, it looks like its trying to boot off the DVD Drive on startup if theres a disc in the drive. Is it normal for the DVD drive to be the Second Primary Drive? I dont know what I can do here.
Did you finalize the discs in the recorder? Is you PC burner firmware up-to-date? Your not using the best media, in fact it's rather poor and not recommended here at aD. Yes. It's OK for the DVD drive to be the second primary.
The drive like to randomly work with the 16x discs. The drive works consistently perfectly with the 8x discs. Ive never had a problem with Memorex discs despite how "crappy" people say they are. But maybe I got a bad batch of 16x discs which are messing with my drive. SO its not a consistent problem of them not working, its intermittent.
That is one of the major problems with poor media. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Did you check your firmware?
Sorry about that. I must have been sleeping! Your firmware is up-to-date, so it isn't that. About the only other thing I can think of is that it's a bad batch of discs since you said the 8X work fine for you. Do you have QSuite installed? If so, run a QScan on the discs. You might have to do it with each disc from that batch that you have but it may help in telling you if the disc is good or not.
Hi, JBauer24, while your f/w is the latest. It is known as bulk. You could try crossflaashing unit with retail f/w. However I believe media is more likely to be the problem. Try a disc from a different batch or even different media.