Okay gang...I ordered it, just wanted to let you all know... Heres where: FREE SHIPPING ALSO! http://www.shop4tech.com/user.htm?go=view_item&id=4729&cata=3&s_cata=28
I got mine on sale @ futureshop for $69.99. Been using it since Dec 30 and so far burning perfectly. Nice compliment to my old but still working LG 4160B.
golfer8- probably does the audio through the ribbon cable digitally so audio cable not neccessary ! Enjoy!
Got my BenQ 1655 in the mail yesterday and immediately installed it. However, the software provided with the drive did not include the LightScribe hosting software that it was supposed to, and Nero would not recognize the burner as a lightscribe without it. The funny thing is that the disk had the Nero software, Qtool suite and the lightscribe software listed on the front of the disk, but the LightScribe portion was nowhere to be found on the disk. Needless to say I spent the better part of an hour researching where to find the LightScribe hosting software that was supposed to be on the disk. Anyways, if you have this problem, here is the link to download the software directly from Nero: http://dl1.nero.com/LS_HSI.EXE It worked like a charm after installing the LightScribe software and I was very impressed with the LightScribe label I made. Good luck, hope this helps if you run into the same problem.
Thats good to know!! UPS tracking tells me my BenQ 1655 will be here today.....Hope I don't need the link, but it's greatly appreciated...I'll keep you posted...
Okay!!! Got my 1655 today!! Yeah!! Mine did have the Lightscribe software, but didnt see the QSuite on the disk, or during installation, or does it install with Nero automatically??? also...Firmware listed as BCAB....I would imagine this is newest being this drive is brand new??? Is QSuite even neccessary with this drive?
This webs is even cheaper http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101008 Anyway, what is a lightscribe technology?
The QSuite should be a seperate item on the disk, it does not install with Nero. My disk came with the Nero an Qsuite and did not have the LightScribe software. I wonder who is in charge of quality control for BenQ. Seems like you should get all the software you need when you buy it. The Q Suite was a seperate file in the menu on the install disc. If it is not showing, then it probably isn't on there. I installed it thinking that the LightScribe hosting software might be installed with it, but it wasn't. I will probably not use the Q suite because I already had Nero, and it will booktype and do all of the functions that the Q suite does. You absolutely do not need to install it to use the drive. As for the firmware, Mine too is the BCAB. I tried to find out what the latest firmware is for the 1655 from BenQ's site, but apparently the drive is so new that they haven't put up any info on their site that even recognizes that it exists. But I can tell you that it burned great straight out of the box for me, as I imagine it will for you too. What was the version of LightScribe host software is on your install disc? My version (that wasn't there even thought the cover of disc said it was)was supposed to be v1.4.44.1. I have not been able to find out what version I actually installed on mine, but I have found a newer version (v1.4.56.1) at this link: http://www.lacie.com/more/?id=10016 Let me know how it goes.
Mine came with the Nero which had the Lightscribe on the disk but no Qsuite....I dont even know if the Qsuite is needed with the 1655. Lightscribe version is v1.4.44.1, Nero Vision Express2 v3.1.0.14, and Nero Express v6.6.0.14. QSuite I downloaded from Benq is V2.1
The Q Suite is not needed. Here is the link to the latest Lightscribe host software, it is version http://dl1.nero.com/LS_HSI.EXE This is the version I put on mine and it works fine.
Wouldnt the Lightscribe v2.1 be newer??? Generally, don't the newer version numbers increase, not decrease??? ??????
Your Q Suite is version 2.1. The Lightscribe host software is not part of Q Suite, it is its own seperate application. The lightscribe version is the number I am refering to when I said v1.4.62.1. If you have it installed, then you should be able to see a "print lightscribe label" option in Nero Express. If you see that option, you should be good to go. If you don't see that option, Nero isn't recoginizing your drive as a lightscribe drive because you don't have the Lightscribe host software installed.