I just got a I/O Magic, supposedly, BenQ DW1655 from Staples. For it to be a BenQ the box is supposed to have a red dot with 16x and 8x DL on it, which this one does. Just to make certain, I had the sales person open the box so we could take a look. The label says BENQ DW1655 (yay!), made on Nov. 18, 2005 in China. Further down it says BQR-DW1655(b). I think the "b" means bulk? and the firm ware is GCAB. Again, I think this is the firmware they put on the bulk drives, but am not sure. The box includes: 1) screws 2) a fold-out, installation instruction sheet. 3) One CD: nero, with nero vision express 2,; Express 6,; Showtime,; and LightScribe v1.4.44.1 (if applicable). Are these the same items that come in the BENQ boxed drive? How many CD's in the Retail BENQ boxed version? Also, on the outside of the I/O Magic Box it lists the CD-RW speed as 24x. I read that if it's not 32x, it's not a BENQ. Yet, it has the red dot with 16x,8xDL and says BENQ on the drive. I want of course, a real BENQ. The total cost of this was $53. I have until tonight to return it. I can wait for a sale on either the OEM or the Retail, BENQ boxed drive. Do you think I really have a BENQ? What would you do? Thanks
Yea,you got the real deal.If you want it to be a true Ben-Q 1655 just crossflash it over to the Ben-Q retail firmware.You will need to use the flasher found at cdfreaks to do it.
This should answer any questions you have on crossflashing your I/O Magic. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/321672
Staple's had them on sale a few weeks ago. Someone posted that the drives were in different colored bags. Pink-was benq 1655 and Clear was lite-on. I haven't heard of the Red Dot theory,only the bag theory, LOL. I/O Magic does use some quality drives,but they also have some crappy drives.You got lucky.At least it wasn't an HP. That I/O drive is a ligit Benq. No rebadge. Bulk or Retail,they are some of the best drives on the market. My Benq 1650 came with the same Nero and it's a very nice oem disc. I haven't tried the lightscribe program.It also has Nero Recode2. I really like the nero speed test.My older nero oem version lacked that tool. Disc and drive: Well worth the $54- Keep it. These benq drives can booktype. Booktyping helps if you find players that reject your plus and dash backups. By booktyping the plus format,you're setting it to dvd-rom.This makes a higher stand alone compatability rate.
Actually saugmon its clear = 1655, pink = lite-on. I got it when it was onsale, first one I exchanged cause it did a poor job, and second one works like a charm so far. And yes stars1234 you most likly got a real BenQ. Storm~