Hi there, I have been browsing several websites including this one and have come across more than one method for converting and burning AVI to DVD. I am just wondering which method most users recommend for creating good quality DVDs from DivX and XviD AVI files (with AC3 or MP3 audio). Should I be using a combination of TMPGEnc and VirtualDub or a more simple program such as DVDSanta? I am interested in a good quality and correct aspect ratios etc. If anyone can point me towards a definitive guide please feel welcome. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, James.
there are a hundred ways to do it as I'm sure you've found the easiest one I've found the one that has the least problem with xvid encoded with mp3 sound divxtodvd you can get the old freeversion here http://freedownload.softonic.de/windows/vsoDivxToDVD_setup_0.52.99.exe or the latest paid version from vso
Thanks philraz. I'll have a go with that one. I realise that I will lose some quality when converting from AVI to DVD but am keening on getting the best quality DVD possible. Has anyone had any experience with TMPGEnc? could anyone link me to some suitable guides/tutorials? Any more recommendastions would be greatly appreciated.
hi,, can somebody please help me, im a bit of of a new user, i downlaoded a few movies from the net and they are in AVI format, how can i convert the movies to one blank dvd disk and make it work on my home dvd player? and if possible i would like to convert the avi files to dvd format quickly. also i would like to add chapters and menu and titles screens and also subtitles to the movies, if anybody knows then please help me, i would be greatful. also please can you tell me he best program for downloadin music and videos. thank you very much, like i said im a new user and i would really like your help, thanks
Hi ok we will start with the basics to simply convert avis to dvds try http://freedownload.softonic.de/windows/vsoDivxToDVD_setup_0.52.99.exe its the old freeware version you can buy the full updated version from vso now as a rule you will only get one 90-120 min movie on a dvd even though the avis you have downloaded are much smaller they are highly compressed and when expanded out to a normal dvd the files will be much larger Having said that it can be done as follows convert the files to dvd load the resulting vts_01_1.vob file from each movie into a dvd building program I reccomend dvdlab pro you can download a trial version once your vobs have loaded dvd lab will join the vobs and prepare them for encoding you can then add your menus, subtitles etc once youve got it the way you want it compile your dvd load the resulting files into dvd shrink and it will compress them to fit onto a normal dvd two maybe three movies would be the maximum and the greater the compression the greater the loss of qaulity The guide for shrink is here http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php