I have four kids, ages 6 to 12. They each have a DS Lite. They enjoy playing the games that they can play as multiplayer (what is the exact term for that?) - i.e., they can all play Call of Duty 4 which my 12 yo owns. They do play some GBA games. I would be doing all of the copying and computer work for the cart, but I need to know which cart is going to be the easiest for them to control once it is in their system (i.e. - menus, etc.) They can all read. I have a Cyclo Evolution on the way, and figure I'll have to play with it a while to get the hang of things. Am I correct that I will need 4 carts (one for each DS)? I know I need the microSD cards as well. Also, in backing up their current games, will I also be able to back up their existing save files? My son won't let me touch his Pokemon Diamond unless I can assure him I can save all his Pokemon. The cost of the cart is a slight issue, but not the most important. If a better cart is $10 more, it is well worth it to me as long as it brings less hassle for me. Besides, they will be selling some of their games to pay for their carts anyway. Lastly, I have read a ton of stuff about these over the last couple weeks (though most of it is greek, which is why I just ordered one and will have to delve in to understand I think.) I have read about the rumble ability - do I need a completely separate card for that (that fits into the bottom slot?) The most important features will be ease of use once it is in the DS, ability to view movies and listen to music (2 don't have mp3 players yet and have been begging, I am hoping this solves that problem.) Also it is very important that they still be able to play with each other through the multiplayer. Thank you!
The Cyclo is a pretty solid cart but a wee bit expensive (since its still kinda new). I can recommend the M3 DS Simply or R4. Both are very cheap now (around $35) and very easy to use. As for backing up the .sav file on the games you currently own (pokemon). I'm not sure exactly how you would go about doing that, but maybe you should hold on to that game for now. Another reason is that pokemon games have a built in battery (for time keeping purposes and other stuff). Flash carts don't have this battery so every time you turn on your game your time will be set to 00:00 You are correct in that a slot-2 cart is required for the rumble feature. If you go with the M3 DS Simply/R4 just get something called an EZ Flash 3 in 1. It goes for about $25 and gives you the ability to play GBA, gives you rumble and the ability to use the NDS web browser. Lastly you won't have to worry about music and movies as the M3DSS/R4 support them. As for the multiplayer, I would say most slot-1 carts support multiplayer near 100%, you'll just need to trim the ROM at hand with ROM trimmer V2.0
Thank you! As far as the battery issue - would I assume that would apply to their Animal Crossing as well? And Nintendogs? (Both games I know they "play" with the dates sometimes to get things.)
Pokemon does not run on a battery inside the cart but rather uses the DS click function. So Your time will be safe. as for the save file, using the program such as reinmoon will allow you to backup your previous save from the original game
What a good post. . Taking into acount the 2 top priorities(as i would see it): Cost(because you need 4 of them) + ease of use for kids... you may want to consider this option http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2069 . The N-card 1GB version(in stock now) One of the very cheapest carts around. Fairly reliable. No micro SD cards for kids to fiddle about with. No rom conversion required Easy menu, including pictures so the kids can see which game is what. comes complete with moonshell pre installed. . My guess is that when the kids have 100's of games to choose from they wont be interested in music from the DS. although the option is still there. . in the meantime, check to see if your cyclo card supports 'download play', where they can all play the same multiplayer game using one card. They will eventually all want their own cards. . Untill then, prepare yourself for mega-mayhem as they all fight over the use of the one cyclo card. good luck.
With kids you may want to give higher consideration to one of the one piece carts that doesn't use micro cards. Like the G6. Less stuff to lose. I have an R4 and my 8 year old is fine with it and doesn't mess with the micro card. Your kids may be different and the dynamic of 4 kids is probably way different. Old Pokemon GB games did have (do have) a battery. The new Diamond and Pearl carts do not. As for backing up that Pokemon game (or other game), look here as a start: http://www.drakx.org/?p=18 and I'll try to find another treatment of this because I think I have seen one.
@3yl3yl Don't know about animal crossing, but my bro has played nintendogs and said the time he set never ever changed. Looks like you don't need to worry about the battery on pokemon, unless you want to play the old pokemon games. Been so long since I played a pokemon game, lol. @Rtyper I did a google search for reinmoon and it looks to me like it will only work with slot-2 carts. Carts like the M3 lite, M3 perfect,Movie Player CF, Super Card CF, etc. @ReggDegg Only thing I can see that is bad about that cart is its support. Since it is not as popular as the M3/R4/Cyclo/G6 you may run into problems that you will have to figure out on your own. @snorlax22 Thanks for the link, I have access to that stuff so I'm gonna give it a try.
I really appreciate all the help! I should be getting the Cyclo any day now, and I already have the 2g micro, so I will begin with that and see how good/bad things go from there.
They're all OK. I have a 6 yr. old and he has been using Flashcarts since he was 4. He uses R4, EZ V, and G6Real. I show him once how to get to the games and he's fine. It's when he sees a new game advertised on TV and tells me, "I want that game" . . . . .
I ended up going with the Cyclo. I had already ordered the first one and it was so easy, I ordered the same ones for the other kids. Everyone is happy - I am happy! We also went with 4gb microSD cards. The kids each had enough games that they could sell to earn most of the money, plus they did chores around the house to earn the rest. My youngest was so bad at leaving the original cards laying around that we ended up having to "check out" each game when he wanted it. It is so much better having them all together! Only one of the kids really wants movies on his, but maybe he'll get over it (he doesn't have an mp3 player yet, and I think he's jealous of the older two who do.) I really appreciate everyone's help.
My boy loves to watch Pokemon episodes on his DS. It isn't that hard to convert videos and throw them on. Who would have thought MP3's on a DS would make him a "3 Doors Down" fan? Put them in the backseat with headphones and you're good to go for an hour of driving at least.
The ezflash is also good for kids as the Micro sd card slot is in the side, rather then the top. Meaning once its in the machine you cant get to the sd card without removing the cartridge. www.homeworldz.co.uk had them for sale with rumble pack en' all. I went on this morning to buy another card for a friend and it showed up as having server problems?????
http://www.realhotstuff.com/ has some good deals on on types of flash cards.. and you can get a great deal by buying multiple cards...
You can use the 'NDS Backup Tool Wifi' to backup save files, as well as the game itself from the original game cartridge. Also allows you to take a save file from your PC and upload it to the original cartridge. Download HERE