I bought the "all in one" DVDclone 2.5, the whole process goes fine but when I play the movie sometimes it works sometimes it plays 1/2 the movie and cuts outs, or I can only watch the previews.there support never returns my email bought DVDxpress and since there lawsuit its just not the same and they cant give any support. to much money wasted.. does anyone have advice on a good shareware coping software??? (already have DVD decrypter)
use dvd shrink as a burning softare??? HP 720 pavillion .. TDK dvd rw drive, and easy CD creator came with it... i was also wondering now that i have the DVD Decrypter can i just use EasyCD to burn my DVDs or does it have to be something like nero, dvdclone, xpress, ext.....
use dvd shrink as the ripper and encoder and have nero do the burning , you will need nero 6 . but as you have easy cd ( roxio )you will need to uninstall it as it dont like nero or any other burning software come to think off it . once you have shrink and nero installed this is what you do :- first we shall setup dvd shrink to be an all in one program , 1, open shrink 2, select edit and then preferences 3, the target dvd size click custom and set it to 4300mb 4, next select FILE I/O and make sure enable burning with nero is ticked . now shrink is ready to start backing up your dvds this is what you do :- 1 , open shrink and select open disc ( shrink will then analyze your dvd ) 2 , select full disc then backup . 3 , on target device select your dvd burner . 4, click ok by doing this dvd shrink will now rip , encode and then burn ( using neros burn engine ) as iff it was an all in one program .
ok... i have DVD Decrypter , if i download Shrink DVD i can totally skip the decrypter and just shrink the DVD and go to CloneDVD ? (not wasting more money on ANOTHER program) ....and is that why my cloneDVD 2.5 is not working correct all the time because i didnt shrink it first?
Well, to start fresh with new software here's what I suggest. You need two things (besides a DVD burner). Try the Intervideo DVDCopy Platinum (you can type this in a search engine and get the main page to get the demo which last about 15 days). You also need a region & css free program which gets rid of the css (type in dvd region+css free - you are looking for version 5.02 - this is also a demo version that last 30 days) The region free loads up automatically when you open Intervideo. Now you can backup your dvds. If these work for you, you can buy the license code to make it work beyond the demo time period. I hope it helps and works for you.