Hey guys, First off, thanks for any help you can give. I have some questions along with my short review of dvd programs. I know a lot of people here praise dvd shrink. It'll take care of compressing and burning when needed (no menu if reauthoring which is a con). Does anyone know how much of a percentage I can compress dvds onto a 4.7gb disc, without noticing a major decrease in dvd quality, on about a 50" TV and 24"? I'm assuming that it's better to compress less on a 50" TV. I often use 2 blank dvds instead of one for burning, since I don't want a big quality loss. I know a lot of people here praise dvd decrypter for taking care of decrypting. I don't think neither of these programs can convert non-dvd files (such as avi) to a dvd format though. So that's missing. I've tried ConvertXtoDVD for this but it seems to stop what it's doing and not able to continue when there's an error in a non-dvd file to convert to dvd (no matter how minor or big, it won't skip). Plus, it doesn't state how much compression it has done. Even though it does not state the compression, the quality seems to be decent for big dvds. When these 3 programs fail to get the job done, I try to see if popular Nero can fix what can't be done (I have Nero Suite but I know it's not the newest. Purchased about 2-3 years ago.) I need to try out Nero more to see if it's better, as it has the most functionality out of those 3 programs. IS THERE ANY BETTER ALL-IN-ONE PROGRAM THAT PEOPLE PRAISE? I've seen some praise in reviews for either 1Click DVD Copy and DVD Cloner but I haven't tried them out yet. Do you guys recommend these programs for all-in-one? Manual/auto compressing, converting, burning capability, ability to burn onto 1 dvd and 2 dvds for minimal quality loss, quality, decrypting if needed, and menu functions are what I'm most concerned with. I'm guessing there really is no all-in-one dvd software program but there must be something close to it.
below 80% and you will be able to tell the best program for this is clonedvd 2 + anydvd ,theres a free 21 day trial, heres some links for software and guides http://www.slysoft.com/en/ http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/ http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/Guides/Software.html