I'm thinking of creating a forum, which host would you recommend? I only know phpBB, Invision, and vBulletin are the forum codes. I'm hoping that someone would direct me to a website that is reliable to trust and use that hosts free forums. Does this make sense??? > <; Sorry if it doesn't...
try http://www.jconserv.net Free but you can't back up your database. The full access ones tend to charge for hosting.
That's what I'm currently using...was just wondering if anyone had personal experiences with other free forum hosts. Jconserv seems to be on vacation or something. There's been a lot of glitches lately and things seem to be slow... Thanx for your reply though ^^
I have these in my favs but i have only read the info have not had a chance to create a forum yet too busy with work may try after i finish work abd have a holiday, here is a list of what i have found. http://www.forumup.com/ http://www.forumforfree.com/ http://www.freeforumworld.com/ http://www.jconserv.net/ Ok soo thats what i have good luck doo some reading and keep us posted on how you go.
Forumup is about the same as jconserv, plus the php is out of date. Thanks borhan.. I need to check out the others as I have forums on jconserv and forumup and they don't allow database backups. It may be an idea (this is a thought) to register a free domain and use a surplus pc as your own server. It doesn't have to be great unless you are expecting lots and lots of trafic.
^^^ Spam post from a commercial outsource company.. Nothing to do with free forum hosting !! Damn spammers.
Jay 05, i always used invision for my forum hosting, and they have a site where people post alot of their skins in, i think its in that bbcode stuff, i may be wrong. I used that and i used www.freedomain.co.nr for the free domain, they are absolutely brilliant and they only require and affliate link to their site. I made a pretty succesful forum a while ago, only thing is, i could never get it to appear on the search engines. Hope this was a help.
I think the best redirect site is http://www.dot.tk (www.yoururl.tk) I use to use the freedomain.co.nr until I found the one above. I've always used phpBB and have never had the experience to use invision. Is there a free forum host with Invision that is similar to Jconserv's phpBB such as a portal page, etc? Thanx for your replies guys... ^^