Hi, I have windvd creator 2 platinum edition (came free with my motherboard). Anyhow, I have been able to make a dvd with it, but on their site I read this: Using DV camcorder via 1394, you can still use the above method as analog source if hard disk space is a concern. If you have plenty hard drive space, you can capture everything in DV AVI type 1 format. Afterward you can get the DV AVI type 1 into editing space, output to VCD/SVCD/DVD as you wish. That'll be the best quality. How can I tell if I am getting my capture into the DV AVI type 1 format? I am just capturing the video using the record button on the capture screen. Is there something special I need to do to do this? Thanks
"DV AVI" should be type 1 in most (all?) programs. You'll know because gigabytes of your harddrive will disappear as you save footage... Adder.
sorry, i guess i should have been more specific. what i am wondering is if it is saving into avi form instead of mpeg. i was told windvd creator usually saves and works with mpeg and not avi. i didnt notice a huge use of hd space, so maybe it wasnt saving correctly.
On the on-screen panel for controlling your DV camcorder, there is an icon of an open-end wrench below the ffwd/rwd buttons. Clicking this will take you to a setup screen where you specify the format (and corresponding bitrate) you wish to record in. If you select AVI-DV there will be no additonal options. If you select MPG, there will be a subset of varying qualities of MPG recording. You can also, of course, confirm the type of file you're creating by going to the folder in which captured video is stored and checking the file extension.