Hi all, what is your opinion on the really good dvd/cd Liteon external burners(by model number and still available for purchase )? I'll be usuing imgburn with them and plextor is no longer real plextor but pioneer and imgburn does not set booktyping for pioneer. Thanks
I'm not sure who still carries this one but I have the SHM-165PS6 external - love it. If you're in the US newegg has the SHW-160PS6 - I have the internal of this and love it too. LiteOn Externals
Binkie7, thanks so much for your swift response, btw any thoughts on the Liteon external DX-20A3H-05? Also for the longest love your sig.
Not a problem iluvendo Hmmm not sure on the DX model - haven't heard much about it all or no anyone that has one. Txs on the sig
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E16827106098 http://external-dvd-burner-review.toptenreviews.com/ http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=420&name=External-CD-DVD-Drives