Hey all, i am a newbie to this forum so take it easy on me. I wanted to get a good desktop pc,with pentium 4. I also would like to mod the pc in the future, with lighted casing, lighted wiring you know that kind of stuff any ideas anyone?thanks. Oh and by any chance does any one know where to get after market casing(shells) for laptops??
When you mean get a good desktop, do you mean buy complete (like a dell) or build yourself? and what would be your budget and the reason for this computer?
Yeah a pc i can buy at circuit city, best buy or even dell. I would use it for media and gaming, and a little school work
if you want to go as far as taking a pre-biult computer and puting it in a new case, you're better off builing your own computer. its not that hard, and you could find many guides on PC websites with instructions. By buying all the components separately you would save a LOT of money and can build the computer specifically to your needs. If you do build your own, online is by far the cheapest way to go. newegg.com and tigerdirect.com are good places, or try pricewatch.com which searches others sites for the best price. keep in mind if you are seriously into gaming get a good video card, that is among the most important component for high FPS games
if you do get a dell or whatever & put the stuff into a new case, you void the warranty but if you get the parts like what djscoop said, you still have warranty