
Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by chaz937, Oct 23, 2007.

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  1. chaz937

    chaz937 Guest

    I have the perfect solution to all of you Sansa / MP3 users out there who are trying to add / delete / playlists to your 40 terrabyte players.

    1. Get the CD you want to RIP and place it into a portable CD player.

    2. Place the ear buds into your (own) ears. Make sure the right goes into the right ear and the left...well, into the other ear.

    3. Press play on the CD player...and open CD jewel case.

    4. Carefully remove booklet from front cover of jewel case and look for "Song List"...or possibly "Song Titles". This may vary depending upon the recording company or if you have a bootleg copy from a class-mate who ripped it from Napster and then made copies until WEI hours of the morning.

    5. Now...take a deep breath....and read the "playlist" provided for you in this booklet. I know...I know.. It usually only comes in one common font but unless you're over 28 yrs. old, you should be able to read it without optical assistance. You may need a 38 yr. old to help you with the big words though. And last but not least.....
    Wait for it.....>>>
    6. For those of you who do not speak or read are the instructions in TEXT MESSAGE.
    I h t p s t a o y S / MP3 u o t w a t t a / d / p t y 40 t p.

    1. G t CD y w t RIP a p i i a p CD p.
    2. etc...etc...etc...
    H. A. N. D.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Care to enlighten me on what your on about here?
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