WHATS THE best printer to use for quality and ease to print these off, my printer just best bust and need to buy one now dont want to spend to much money what do all reocmend from both ends of the market??
I suggest the Epson R200. It does an outstanding job printing covers. It prints the whole cover. My HP cuts off part of the cover, as some others do too. The R200 will also print directly on printable cds and dvds. Does a great job of that also. Do a search here for the Epson R200, and see what everyone says about it. Staples has them on sale right now. Around $60, after rebate. You can also get the ink refills very cheap. Can't beat this printer!
is the r300 just as good as there out of stock of the 200 and for a little bit more i can get the r300?
i'd say the r300 is also an excellent choice, as i have this printer and i have never had any problems. dont print many covers, though. Lethal
we are up to the r320 now. just bought one and wow it is excellent, im printing covers 3 a minute,m great for printable dvd's too. just to let you all know after a great deal of research the cheapest place to buy the printer is www.comet.co.uk and the cheapest place to buy consumables is www.superinks.co.uk . enjoy!