Just wanted a few opinions on what you think is best for backing up whole dvd9's to dvd5 (incuding extra features). So far I have tried dvd shrink, clonedvd and Instant copy. I'm really pleased with quality Instant copy gives but it takes at least 4 times as long as dvd shrink. Although dvd shrink is fast I was a bit disapointed with the end product. clonedvd is somewhere in between. I'm looking to try dvd2one and was wondering if it's worth it. will the quality be better than dvd shrink?
I like DVD2One a lot, and have yet to be dissappointed with the quality. However, I think that you will notice quality deterioration with any of these compression programs if you are leaving in all of the special features, audio tracks, and subtitles. The extras simply take up a lot of disc space that you can't afford to give them on a DVD5. Just my 2 cents worth....
thanks yuriv, I think I probably will give dvd2one a try. I dont leave in all the audio tracks and subs but I do like menus and the special features.
I use InstantCopy, slow but spot-on quality. If you're going for a near 1:1 copy, then you might as well keep the quality high. Can't knock DVD2One coz I haven't tried it, but I guess you stick with what you know that works.
If you want full quality then DVDXCopy is a good programme but it will put everything usually on to 2 discs instead of 1 but without any compression. This product has come in for a-lot of criticism on this site but that's mainly because most people don't want to fork out the $99 approx that it costs or they just don't want to use two discs but it's worth considering. Personally I use it for long movies but otherwise I think DVD Shrink latest is the best for compressing.